Art by Merfa

Paintings | Sketches | Calligraphy 

Purchase artworks and other handmade goods

customized just for you. 

Beach foam
Beach foam
Beach foam
AED 175.00

Readymade Products

Customized Products

Why Choose Handmade Art

Art can be purchased from anywhere, but buying an art piece personalized to fit exactly what you envision? Not so easy. 

This is where my products come in. With art by merfa, you can own customized artworks, be it large canvases to mount on walls or greeting cards, stickers, even art prints - I've got it all! 

Even if you can't find what you're looking for on the website, mail/DM/watsapp me describing what you require and it can be arranged - easy. 

While buying handmade, you are not just directly supporting a small seller, you are claiming a portion of their invaluable hardwork, creativity, effort and dedication. Each piece guarantees your happiness and satisfaction. 

 So get your handmade art now! 

Art isn't paint; it's love. 

Philip B. Hicken
Impressionist | Modern Artist

About Me

Merfa Abdul Kabeer

Store owner

Hey there, I'm Merfa. Originally from Kerala, currently residing in Sharjah. I'm an interior design graduate, but art has always been the first love. Scribbling on papers with pencil is one of my earliest childhood memories, and it hasn't changed since then.  

I have always been super conscious of my artworks, not showing them to anybody, always locking them away. It's only recently that I decided to share them with the world, and it has been liberating. 

If you're new to my journey, tag along. Your positive comments and feedbacks could mean a lot more than you realize. Here I am, sharing a piece of my heart with you. 

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